How Much Wine Comes Under Moderate Drinking?

How Much Wine Comes Under Moderate Drinking?

The recent decade has seen an unprecedented growth in wine consumption in our country. In fact online wine sales in Australia have skyrocketed in the recent past. This means more and more people in our country are consuming wine. Even medical experts encourage moderate drinking of wine for both males and females. Studies reveal that […]

Moderate Drinking

The recent decade has seen an unprecedented growth in wine consumption in our country. In fact online wine sales in Australia have skyrocketed in the recent past. This means more and more people in our country are consuming wine. Even medical experts encourage moderate drinking of wine for both males and females. Studies reveal that drinking wine can reduce the risk of one falling under depression, prevent colon cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, delay aging, prevent dementia, improve lung function and insulin sensitivity and guard against liver and heart disease etc.

Moderate Wine DrinkingNo doubt, drinking wine has its benefits as explained time and again by doctors etc. but what we often tend to ignore here is the word ‘moderate’! All the benefits listed above come only with controlled or moderate drinking of wine. It is important for us to understand how much wine actually is good for our system before we begin going overboard and let the dangers of excessive drinking lurk near us.

The quantity of wine that one can drink in order to receive health benefits depends on a number of factors like the drinker’s age, sex and general status of his/her health etc. For example, women tend to absorb alcohol faster than men as their body has lower water content and digestive enzymes in their stomach too are different than men.

Thus, when it comes to define ‘moderate consumption of wine’, it would have different criteria for both men and women. According to experts, where two glasses, each having approx. 175 ml of wine a day is moderate for men, women should have only one i.e. 175 ml to receive health benefits and avoid any alcohol related health hazards. Likewise, people already suffering from ailments like liver disease, diabetes or hearth troubles should consult their doctor before blindly deciding alcohol limit for themselves. The whole idea should be to drink responsibly and stay healthy… Cheers!


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