Easy Techniques to Remove Red Wine Stains
July 15, 2013
We have all experienced getting stains on our carpet or clothing. What adds more to our horror is when it leaves ugly and almost hard to remove stains. During parties, it can’t be helped that wine glasses fall over and spill their contents over our carpets and furniture.
But with the help of useful tips that can now be found on the internet, you can still remove those ugly stains without any difficulty. Here are some tried and tested remedies that you can try at home.
Keep the Stain Wet
Household remedies work best if red wine stains are still fresh because you can easily remove them. Whatever solution you choose, you have to make sure to keep the stain wet otherwise it will be hard for you to remove them.
Soap and Hydrogen Peroxide
The powers of hydrogen peroxide and soap in removing stains can never be denied. You don’t need to go through stores to find these for they can be easily found in your very homes. The first thing that you need to do is to combine equal parts of liquid detergent or soap and hydrogen peroxide. After mixing them in a bowl, you can pour the mixture over the stained area and leave it for a while. Next, you can now start gently blotting the stained area. The combined properties of hydrogen peroxide and soap will help remove any discoloration from you carpets or furniture.
Aside from water, you can always use club soda or even white wine. It is important that you remove the stains by blotting them from the outside edges of the stain. This is to prevent the stain from spreading.
You have to remember that time plays an important role in removing red wine stains. Don’t wait for a long time before you act on how to remove the stains. However, if you are already having a hard time removing the stains with these remedies, it is best that you take them to the cleaners so that they can remove the stains properly.