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The Just Wines Tasting Panel

The Just Wines Tasting Panel is an exciting blend of wine professionals and wine enthusiasts. The Tasting Panel’s job is to bring you the very best wines at the very best prices, combining industry experience with insights into what real people are drinking. So whether you want the best wine for a Wednesday evening lasagna, a Saturday afternoon BBQ or an evening of fine dining, the Just Wines Tasting Panel will have the perfect recommendation. Because at Just Wines, we’re all about wines for the majority, not the glass swirling minority.

Why Just Wines Tasting Panel?

Because, simply, we want our customers to enjoy their Just Wines purchases. That’s why our tasting panel tries every single wine that we sell, ensuring quality that will leave you wanting more. Because when you want more, you’ll buy from us again. And when that happens, we all win. You, because you get great wines at unbeatable prices. And us, because you spend your wine purchasing dollars with us. That’s why we only suggest wines that the panel would be more than happy to drink themselves, whether that’s as a mid-week tipple or for a very special occasion. However, if you for any reason don’t like a wine (everyone's tastes are different, after all), you can relax, safe in the knowledge that we offer a full 100% Money back guarantee. If ever you feel the need to make use of that guarantee, please let us know. Your feedback is extremely important to us and also helps us curate future wines.

How is Wine Assessment done at Just Wines?

At Just Wines, it’s not ‘the blind leading the blind’. You see, we don’t assess wines “blind”, the way most other tasting panels do, where the label is covered and the wine assessed solely on taste, sight, smell.

That’s not how people drink wine. In fact, having been on countless other tasting panels, we can attest that it’s not even how the people on those tasting panels drink wine when they’re not on the tasting panel!

The label plays a big role in how people approach a wine. Is it a new vintage of an old favourite? Is it a wine from an exciting new producer they’ve heard a lot about? A new variety they’re excited to try? Whichever, it all plays a part in how everyday wine lovers perceive a wine, so that’s exactly how our tasting panel conducts our assessment.

“The wines we recommend are wines that we like to drink.”

Because at Just Wines, it’s not the blind leading the blind. It’s wine experts and enthusiasts, inviting you to join us on a tasting journey.
Every now and then, the JW Tasting Panel comes across certain wines that really shine. They overdeliver in a certain aspect, be it:

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