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The Best Gifts for Dads Celebrating Father’s Day for the First Time

Celebrating Father’s Day

Do you know someone who will be celebrating Father’s Day for the first time? Here are excellent gift ideas that you can give him:

Scrap Book Materials

First time fathers love to take pictures of their first born. He will truly appreciate something he can use to make these pictures more memorable and special. You can even connive with the baby’s Mum to get the new baby’s footprints and handprints on the first page of the scrap book. This gift is something he can never forget for the rest of his life.

Personalized Mementos

A personalized gift will forever remind the new Dad how it felt to celebrate his Father’s Day. You can compose a poem using the baby’s name as the title. To make it more special and to protect it from tearing, you can put it in a picture frame before giving it to the first time Dad.

A Swing or Hammock

Fatherhood is never easy. There are sleepless nights or early morning duties. A swing or hammock that he can place in his front porch would be great to relax his tired body. Plus, it is also a great place to hold the new baby and for the whole family to hug and cuddle each other.

A Premium Bottle of Red or White Wine

Most Dads who are celebrating Father’s Day for the first time get a lot of visitors and friends dropping by. And since a new baby is always a cause for celebration, a bottle of wine comes in handy. There are a lot that you can choose from. Currently, Just Wines’ Premium Wines are on sale so now is the best time to order for a case or two.

These are only a few of the helpful gift suggestions we have prepared for you. But as always, a gift will be useless if it is given without love and attention. Remember that the best gifts are those that come from the heart!

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