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  • single vineyard or estate grown wines
    December 3, 2019

    Single Vineyard or Estate Grown Wines

    Brand name, region, grape variety, vintage...—while reading a wine label, these things immediately catch your attention. But upon a careful look, you might find a few bottles boasting 100% Single Vineyard or Estate Grown Wines. Two different terms with of...

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  • Northland: New Zealand’s Oldest Wine Region
    November 25, 2019

    Northland: New Zealand’s Oldest Wine Region

    Lying in the northernmost part of NZ, as says its name Northland, is one of the country’s oldest wine regions. Surrounded by the east & west coasts on both sides, it’s just 4-hour-drive away from Auckland. Known for adventure sports,...

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  • Cold Fermentation in Wine Decoded
    November 25, 2019

    Cold Fermentation in Wine Decoded

    Fermentation, as most of us would know, is the conversion of sugar (present in the grape juice) into alcohol & carbon dioxide. Not as simple as it appears, this process involves great attention as the reaction can lead to undesirable...

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  • Wild Vs Commercial Wine Yeast
    November 25, 2019

    Wild Vs Commercial Wine Yeast

    While buying wine online, you must have often come across elaborate descriptions talking about the use of commercial or wild yeast. We all know that wine yeast contributes to the conversion of sugar to alcohol, resulting in the noble juice....

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  • Cork vs Screwcap
    November 25, 2019

    Cork vs Screwcap

    Be it for the old world charm or the much-ceremonial pop sound, classic cork closures always manage to tempt us! However, they also have the capability to add to our misery sometimes—reminds us of the struggle to open a bottle,...

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  • Waiheke—The Island of Wine in New Zealand
    November 25, 2019

    Waiheke—The Island of Wine in New Zealand

    Downtown Auckland lies a beautiful piece of land, away from the hustle-bustle encapsulating serenity at best—the Waiheke Island. Synonymously known as NZ’s Island of Wine, it’s home to artisan wine producers who have successfully been growing classic varieties matching the...

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  • White vs Red Riesling Wine
    November 25, 2019

    White vs Red Riesling Wine

    Riesling wine, deemed to be one of the finest among white varietals, was originated in Germany. Be it for its adaptability to different terroir conditions or age-worthiness (Quite unlikely for a white wine apart from Chardonnay), it has earned a...

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